Blog Archives

Video Production: Yesterday and Today

Until recently, video production for product promotion, training or showcasing talent was perceived by many to be too expensive. Quite frankly for many years, video solutions were too expensive for small to medium sized businesses. The video equipment used by many cost well in to the hundreds of thousands and when a production session was completed,

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Some Things to Consider About Video: Part 1

Some Things to Consider About Video: Part 1
Video content for television and the internet is a powerful tool indeed, therefore one should think about how to effectively harness that power and what needs to be in place to take full advantage of it.

Video for Internet
Believe it or not video for the internet is a lot less complicated to take advantage of than video for broadcast.

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Help Determining Feasibility of a Business: Is Your Product, Service or Event a Good Idea?

In this help tips series on how to start marketing your business, event, product or service, we’ll cover some of the basics first like feasibility and determining who your target demographic is and then move in to some more advanced areas like how to create your marketing message and even some things to consider when buying media or advertising.

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Hello world!

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!

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